SulfiLogger™-sensoren måler kontinuerlig H2S direkte i avløpsvann, luft og inline i prosessgasser. Sensoren gir pålitelig innsikt som gir deg mulighet til å ta i bruk en datadrevet og proaktiv tilnærming til lukt- og korrosjonskontroll i avløpsvann-, biogass- og olje- og gassindustrien. Med SulfiLoggerTM H2S-sensoren kan du: Mål H2S hvor som helst i […]
>Bran+Luebbe IN-LINE WATER ANALYSIS MONITORS FOR ALUMINUM AND MANY MORE PARAMETERS Aluminum or Iron in the drinking water Occurrence of aluminum via the drinking water in rivers and lakes. Hygienic barrier When the water is to be purified, chemicals containing iron and aluminium, coagulants or polymers are often used in the drinking water, consumption can be reduced. Bacteria and viruses are "glued" together with humus and other [...]
>Bran+Luebbe IN-LINE water analysis monitors - Order chlorine meters online What is chlorine? Chlorine is the second element in group 17 (the halogens) in the periodic table. There are two stable isotopes of chlorine: 35Cl (75.77 percent) and 37Cl (24.23 percent). Chlorine is used, among other things, for bleaching, disinfecting drinking water, production of insecticides and production of PVC Free Chlorine Chlorine applied [...]
IN-LINE water analysis instruments
>Bran+Luebbe IN-LINE Water analysis monitors – For drinking water, waste water and process. – Can be measured up to 8 points – Water; Aluminium, free and total chlorine, iron, total P, magnesium, lead and many more – We offer measurement of up to 35 parameters. Areas of use: Drinking water The quality of the drinking water is measured at different stages: At the entrance to the treatment plant, during the treatment process, at the exit [...]
Multi Sensor Head – MSH The Multi Sensor Head (MSH) is a modular probe that allows the integration of up to fire sensors or electrodes in a submersible probe head. As one possible configuration, conductivity, temperature, redox, pH and oxygen can be determined with one MSH. The integrated electronics allow direct digitization of analogue sensors. MSH can alternatively be integrated into the BlueBox system via [...]
BlueTrace – Oil in water sensor Oil in water? BlueTrace – Oil in Water Sensor is a compact fluorescence probe for measuring BTEX, PAH and refined oil in water. The robust design of the BlueTraceSensor allows use in harsh conditions, such as corrosive media or at high pressure. Parameters BTEX PAH Refined oil in water Applications Drinking water Quality control Alarm systems […]
UV-Vis-spektrometer for in-situ-analyse – ILA Kombinerer kjemi-metrisk spektroskopi med avløpsvann og vannanalyse I tillegg til de tidligere unike salgsargumentene, inkluderer det nye ISA UV/Vis-spektrometersystemet følgende nye funksjoner: Utvidelse med et BlueConnect-kort Integrert børsterengjøringskontroll Ny forbedret fastvare Fritt konfigurerbart dashbord Databehandling direkte via display Automatiske fastvareoppdateringer Veiledet igangkjøring med validering av innstillinger Veiledet manuell rengjøring Forbedret […]