Norditec fournit des vannes de haute qualité provenant de fabricants européens pour une variété d'usages industriels, notamment les eaux usées, les centrales énergétiques, les barrages, le CVC, les usines d'adduction d'eau, les industries marines et alimentaires. Nos vannes sont certifiées selon la norme européenne PED 2014/68, DIN DVGW pour l'eau potable et le gaz et EAC. Avec les certifications 3-A, EHEDG, FDA et CE, vous pouvez être sûr que nos vannes sont de haute qualité et fabriquées selon les normes les plus élevées. Contactez-nous dès aujourd'hui pour découvrir comment nos vannes peuvent vous aider à répondre à vos besoins.
Dreiespjeldventil uten betjening Lug | U section | Wafer - 480
Media temperature:-10 to 150 °C
Ambient temperature:-10 to 70 °C
Pression de fonctionnement : 0 à 16 bars
Nominal sizes:DN 25 to 600
Body configurations:Lug | U section | Wafer
Connection standards:AS | ASME | BS | DIN | EN | ISO | JIS
Body materials:EN-GJS-400-15, SG iron material
Body coating:Epoxy
Liner materials:EPDM | FKM | NBR | SBR, abrasion resistant
Disc materials:1.4408, investment casting material | 1.4408, polished investment casting material | EN-GJS-400-15, SG iron material
Dreiespjeldventil med pneumatisk/elektrisk aktuator Lug | U section | Wafe - 481
Media temperature:-10 to 150 °C
Ambient temperature:-10 to 70 °C
Pression de fonctionnement : 0 à 16 bars
Nominal sizes:DN 25 to 600
Body configurations:Lug | U section | Wafer
Connection standards:AS | ASME | BS | DIN | EN | ISO | JIS
Body materials:EN-GJS-400-15, SG iron material
Body coating:Epoxy
Liner materials:EPDM | FKM | NBR | SBR, abrasion resistant
Disc materials:1.4408, investment casting material | 1.4408, polished investment casting material | EN-GJS-400-15, SG iron material
Disc coating:EPDM | Epoxy | Halar® | Rilsan®
Conformities:ACS | ATEX | Belgaqua | DNV GL | DVGW Drinking water | DVGW Gas | EAC | FDA | WRAS
Dreiespjeldventil leveres med spak Lug | U section | Wafe - 487
Media temperature: -10 to 70 °C
Ambient temperature: -20 to 95 °C
Operating pressure*: 3 to 16 bar
Nominal sizes*: DN 700 to 1600
Installation lengths: ISO 5752/20 | EN 558-1/20 | API 609 category A
Body configurations: Lug | U section | Wafer
Connection types: Flange
Connection standards:
Housing materials: EN-GJS-400-15
Liner materials:
Disc materials:
Conformities: ACS | EAC
Lug | U section | Wafer_C480
Media temperature: -10 to 70 °C
Ambient temperature: -20 to 95 °C
Operating pressure*: 3 to 16 bar
Nominal sizes*: DN 700 to 1600
Installation lengths: ISO 5752/20 | EN 558-1/20 | API 609 category A
Body configurations: Lug | U section | Wafer
Connection types: Flange
Connection standards:
Housing materials: EN-GJS-400-15
Liner materials:
Disc materials:
Conformities: ACS | EA
Lug | U section | Wafer_C481
Media temperature: -10 to 70 °C
Ambient temperature: -20 to 95 °C
Operating pressure*: 3 to 16 bar
Nominal sizes*: DN 700 to 1600
Installation lengths: ISO 5752/20 | EN 558-1/20 | API 609 category A
Body configurations: Lug | U section | Wafer
Connection types: Flange
Connection standards:
Housing materials: EN-GJS-400-15
Liner materials:
Disc materials:
Conformities: ACS | EA
Lug | U section | Wafer_C481
Media temperature: -10 to 70 °C
Ambient temperature: -20 to 95 °C
Operating pressure*: 3 to 16 bar
Nominal sizes*: DN 700 to 1600
Installation lengths: ISO 5752/20 | EN 558-1/20 | API 609 category A
Body configurations: Lug | U section | Wafer
Connection types: Flange
Connection standards:
Housing materials: EN-GJS-400-15
Liner materials:
Disc materials:
Conformities: ACS | EA
Emergency butterfly valves double eccentric type ‘DOPEX’
Lug | U section | Wafer_C481
Media temperature: -10 to 70 °C
Ambient temperature: -20 to 95 °C
Operating pressure*: 3 to 16 bar
Nominal sizes*: DN 700 to 1600
Installation lengths: ISO 5752/20 | EN 558-1/20 | API 609 category A
Body configurations: Lug | U section | Wafer
Connection types: Flange
Connection standards:
Housing materials: EN-GJS-400-15
Liner materials:
Disc materials:
Conformities: ACS | EA
Lug | U section | Wafer_C481
Media temperature: -10 to 70 °C
Ambient temperature: -20 to 95 °C
Operating pressure*: 3 to 16 bar
Nominal sizes*: DN 700 to 1600
Installation lengths: ISO 5752/20 | EN 558-1/20 | API 609 category A
Body configurations: Lug | U section | Wafer
Connection types: Flange
Connection standards:
Housing materials: EN-GJS-400-15
Liner materials:
Disc materials:
Conformities: ACS | EA