Aluminum or Iron in the drinking water

Occurrence of aluminum via drinking water in rivers and lakes.

Hygienic barrier

When the water is to be purified, chemicals containing iron and aluminium, coagulants or polymers are often used in the drinking water, consumption can be reduced. Bacteria and viruses are "glued" together with humus and other particles to create "floods", after a certain time sediments at the bottom of the tank. Often use the process to avoid brown water in many Norwegian waterworks and around the world. The challenge today with most cleaning systems is dosing based on the amount of water, not on the basis of contaminated water. We have the solution!

Easy monitoring

Norditec continuously offers automatic in-line water analysis monitors for the correct use of chemicals in the drinking water.

By implementing monitors, chemical costs for polymers and coagulants can be reduced.

Remote maintenance and network connection

Thanks to the many interfaces, PowerMon NG can be connected to your PC network or your telephone system, so that it can be managed and maintained centrally by customers - at any time and from any network location.


Error message via text message

The alarm function per text message to
user is especially useful in case of guard
duty or for particularly extensive process systems.




More economical, more accurate, faster PowerMon NG activates specific
adaptation to different measurement requirements and is equipped with multi-measuring point technology. In other words,
PowerMon NG can process and store several process parameters in parallel and can therefore simply replace several external display devices. Low reagent consumption and long maintenance intervals provide a minimum
operating costs. The speed controlled peristaltic pumps shorten the measurement cycles and accelerate the availability of the measured values. Where accuracy is concerned, the high resolution dual beam
photometer gives the most accurate results

Compact design

PowerMon NG is modular in design. It is
Outstanding features include a robust, space-saving and compact design.

Compact design

PowerMon NG is modular in design. It is
Outstanding features include a robust, space-saving and compact design.

User interface

Colored graphical user interface with touch screen operation
The control takes place via a user-friendly, colored graphic user interface with
interactive touchscreen operation. display and control keys adapt to respective functions. Operation of the menu
control is self-explanatory.

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