Eccentric screw pump with positive displacement, self-priming capacity of up to 6 m
Especially recommended for viscous or highly viscous products, but is also often used for clear and delicate food products
White NBR Perbunan stator for food grade (EPDM or Viton optional)
Quick and easy disassembly using only two side braces
Direct drive motor, geared motor or variable speed motor
Simple internal mechanical seal
DIN 11851 connections (GAS, CLAMP, IDF, SMS, flanges etc. optional)
Different options for technical solutions: heated body, subordinate drain port, regulation or safety bypass, special dimensions, etc.
Brushed matte finish (polished finish optional)

Maximum flow 20 m3/h (330 l/min)
Maximum differential head 12 bar (120 mWC)
Power 0.37 – 7.5 kW (0.5 – 7.5 hp)
Temperature -25 – +150 ºC
Maximum viscosity 100,000 cP
Rotation speed 40 to 1450 rpm (50 Hz)
50 to 1750 rpm (60 Hz)
Material AISI 316 (EN 1.4401)
Applications Wine, oils, juices, syrups, honey, marmalade, creams, pastes, pâtés, soaps, gels, mud, etc.