Emptying stations


Emptying stations - Pier pumps Our emptying stations offer practical solutions for removing septic water from boats. The emptying station is usually installed on docks or near boats. The stations are equipped with a powerful Vogelsang lobe pump(s) for handling septic and waste water. The waste water is transported to the waste water network or to a sewage treatment plant, for Scandinavian conditions these units are offered with a heating system and a weather-resistant pump housing/cover that can withstand a lot of wind, cold and sea water. We offer 3 different types of emptying stations. Pier EASY with simple basic control and reduced pump housing. Pier Pump S160 with weatherproof and pump housing for emptying septic and waste water. The Pier Pump SB160 unit is weatherproof and is offered with two integrated Vogelsang lobe pumps for handling septic and waste water. Time consumption for emptying septic and waste water is less than 5 minutes. We have many references in Sweden and Europe


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