Customer case

APPLICATION: Breweries - bottle washing 

Breweries - bottle washing
Breweries in Canada are mandated for environmental reasons to recycle used beer bottles.
To clean and disinfect them before refilling, recycled bottles are combined with new bottles
exposed to a hot caustic wash.
As part of the bottle washing process, a large brewery in British Columbia required a powerful pump which
could successfully transfer, without clogging or corrosion, both a 90 °C caustic solution, as well as
broken glass, bottle caps and labels that were always picked up in the washing solution.
The brewery has used Hayward Gordon ANSI pumps successfully for many years and was confident in its choice
a Hayward Gordon solids handling pump for pumping out.
The factory installed a heavy duty Hayward Gordon 4” R Series TORUS with retracted impeller
CD4Mcu construction. Placement of retracted impeller, out of the flow path to create
large internal passages or flows and a replaceable tread plate that protects
pump housing and absorb the brunt of that grinding attack, the TORUS pump was an ideal design for
handling this type of liquid, which is very demanding.
The pump has been in use since 1994 and provides excellent service and has only required routine maintenance

Also coming soon is a customer case in Halden Municipality. 

The Torus pump is a problem solver where most pumps are unable to handle hard particles.

Read more about Harvard Gordon pumps

Torus pumps - Retracted impeller

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