The pump for hard particles in waste water

Torus pumps - Retracted impeller

  Customer Case Application: Breweries - Bottle Washing Breweries - Bottle WashingPROBLEMBreweries in Canada are mandated for environmental reasons to recycle used beer bottles.To clean and sanitize them before refilling, recycled bottles along with new bottles are subjected to a hot caustic wash.As part of the bottle washing process, a large brewery in British Columbia required a powerful pump that could successfully [...].

Meet us at HavExpo 2024 - Bergen 06-08 May

•Norditec stiller ut med pumper og diverse utstyr relatert til akvakultur –Pumper:  Eksenterskruepumpe fra Roto Pumps –  Nedsenbarepumper – Doseringspumper. • Rotopumps: Roto Kwik – Eksentersskruepumper• Ventiler: Skyvespjeldventiler• Frekvensomformer: Vasco Stand A-293 Les mer om HavExpo Meld deg på nyhetsbrev!

Improving efficiency: Optimizing eccentric screw pumps for customer customization and demanding tasks

Roto pumps – Heavy Duty Pumps – Eccentric screw pumps Eccentric screw pumps are excellent for handling different types of liquids and demanding applications. Eccentric screw pumps fall under the category "displacement pumps". The main element of the pump is a helical rotor with an annular cross-section and protected all around by a fixed stator. The pump's rotor-stator geometry and internal components have a great impact on the efficiency [...]

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